Friday 17 September 2021

Permissioning Azure Pipelines with Bicep and Azure RBAC Role Assignments

How can we deploy resources to Azure, and then run an integration test through them in the context of an Azure Pipeline? This post will show how to do this by permissioning our Azure Pipeline to access these resources using Azure RBAC role assignments. It will also demonstrate a dotnet test that runs in the context of the pipeline and makes use of those role assignments.

title image reading "Permissioning Azure Pipelines with Bicep and Role Assignments" and some Azure logos

We're following this approach as an alternative to exporting connection strings, as these can be viewed in the Azure Portal; which may be an security issue if you have many people who are able to access the portal and view deployment outputs.

We're going to demonstrate this approach using Event Hubs. It's worth calling out that this is a generally useful approach which can be applied to any Azure resources that support Azure RBAC Role Assignments. So wherever in this post you read "Event Hubs", imagine substituting other Azure resources you're working with.

The post will do the following:

  • Add Event Hubs to our Azure subscription
  • Permission our service connection / service principal
  • Deploy to Azure with Bicep
  • Write an integration test
  • Write a pipeline to bring it all together

Add Event Hubs to your subscription

First of all, we may need to add Event Hubs to our Azure subscription.

Without this in place, we may encounter errors of the type:

[error]MissingSubscriptionRegistration: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.EventHub'. See for how to register subscriptions.

We do this by going to "Resource Providers" in the Azure Portal and registering the resources you need. Lots are registered by default, but not all.

Screenshot of the Azure Portal, subscriptions -> resource providers section, showing that Event Hubs have been registered

Permission our service connection / service principal

In order that we can run pipelines related to Azure, we mostly need to have an Azure Resource Manager service connection set up in Azure DevOps. Once that exists, we also need to give it a role assignment to allow it to create role assignments of its own when pipelines are running.

Without this in place, we may encounter errors of the type:

[error]The template deployment failed with error: 'Authorization failed for template resource '{GUID-THE-FIRST}' of type 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments'. The client '{GUID-THE-SECOND}' with object id '{GUID-THE-SECOND}' does not have permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' at scope '/subscriptions/***/resourceGroups/johnnyreilly/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/evhns-demo/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/{GUID-THE-FIRST}'.'.

Essentially, we want to be able to run pipelines that say "hey Azure, we want to give permissions to our service connection". We are doing this with the self same service connection, so (chicken and egg) we first need to give it permission to give those commands in future. This is a little confusing; but let's role with it. (Pun most definitely intended. 😉)

To grant that permission / add that role assignment, we go to the service connection in Azure Devops:

Screenshot of the service connection in Azure DevOps

We can see there's two links here; first we'll click on "Manage Service Principal", which will take us to the service principal in the Azure Portal:

Screenshot of the service principal in the Azure Portal

Take note of the display name of the service principal; we'll need that as we click on the "Manage service connection roles" link, which will take us to the resource groups IAM page in the Azure Portal:

Screenshot of the resource groups IAM page in the Azure Portal

Here we can click on "Add role assignment", select "Owner":

Screenshot of the add role assignment IAM page in the Azure Portal

Then when selecting members we should be able to look up the service principal to assign it:

Screenshot of the add role assignment select member IAM page in the Azure Portal

We now have a service connection which we should be able to use for granting permissions / role assignments, which is what we need.

Event Hub and Role Assignment with Bicep

Next we want a Bicep file that will, when run, provision an Event Hub and a role assignment which will allow our Azure Pipeline (via its service connection) to interact with it.

@description('Name of the eventhub namespace')
param eventHubNamespaceName string

@description('Name of the eventhub name')
param eventHubName string

@description('The service principal')
param principalId string

// Create an Event Hub namespace
resource eventHubNamespace 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces@2021-01-01-preview' = {
  name: eventHubNamespaceName
  location: resourceGroup().location
  sku: {
    name: 'Standard'
    tier: 'Standard'
    capacity: 1
  properties: {
    zoneRedundant: true

// Create an Event Hub inside the namespace
resource eventHub 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs@2021-01-01-preview' = {
  parent: eventHubNamespace
  name: eventHubName
  properties: {
    messageRetentionInDays: 7
    partitionCount: 1

// give Azure Pipelines Service Principal permissions against the Event Hub 

var roleDefinitionAzureEventHubsDataOwner = subscriptionResourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', 'f526a384-b230-433a-b45c-95f59c4a2dec')

resource integrationTestEventHubReceiverNamespaceRoleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2018-01-01-preview' = {
  name: guid(principalId,, roleDefinitionAzureEventHubsDataOwner)
  scope: eventHubNamespace
  properties: {
    roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionAzureEventHubsDataOwner
    principalId: principalId

Do note that our bicep template takes the service principal id as a parameter. We're going to supply this later from our Azure Pipeline.

Our test

We're now going to write a dotnet integration test which will make use of the infrastructure deployed by our Bicep template. Let's create a new test project:

mkdir src
cd src
dotnet new xunit -o IntegrationTests
cd IntegrationTests
dotnet add package Azure.Identity
dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.EventHubs
dotnet add package FluentAssertions
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables

We'll create a test file called EventHubTest.cs with these contents:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.Messaging.EventHubs;
using Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Consumer;
using Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Producer;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;

namespace IntegrationTests
    public record EchoMessage(string Id, string Message, DateTime Timestamp);

    public class EventHubTest
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;

        public EventHubTest(ITestOutputHelper output)
            _output = output;

        public async Task Can_post_message_to_event_hub_and_read_it_back()
            // ARRANGE
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            // populated by variables specified in the Azure Pipeline
            var eventhubNamespaceName = configuration["EVENTHUBNAMESPACENAME"];
            var eventhubName = configuration["EVENTHUBNAME"];
            var tenantId = configuration["TENANTID"];

            // populated as a consequence of the addSpnToEnvironment in the azure-pipelines.yml
            var servicePrincipalId = configuration["SERVICEPRINCIPALID"];
            var servicePrincipalKey = configuration["SERVICEPRINCIPALKEY"];

            var fullyQualifiedNamespace = $"{eventhubNamespaceName}";

            var clientCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, servicePrincipalId, servicePrincipalKey);
            var eventHubClient = new EventHubProducerClient(
                fullyQualifiedNamespace: fullyQualifiedNamespace,
                eventHubName: eventhubName,
                credential: clientCredential
            var ourGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var sentEchoMessage = new EchoMessage(Id: ourGuid, Message: $"Test message", Timestamp: now);
            var sentEventData = new EventData(

            // ACT
            await eventHubClient.SendAsync(new List<EventData> { sentEventData }, CancellationToken.None);

            var eventHubConsumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(
                consumerGroup: EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName,
                fullyQualifiedNamespace: fullyQualifiedNamespace,
                eventHubName: eventhubName,
                credential: clientCredential

            List<PartitionEvent> partitionEvents = new();
            await foreach (var partitionEvent in eventHubConsumerClient.ReadEventsAsync(new ReadEventOptions
                MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)
                if (partitionEvent.Data == null) break;

            // ASSERT
            var firstOne = partitionEvents.FirstOrDefault(evnt =>
              ExtractTypeFromEventBody<EchoMessage>(evnt, _output)?.Id == ourGuid
            var receivedEchoMessage = ExtractTypeFromEventBody<EchoMessage>(firstOne, _output);
            receivedEchoMessage.Should().BeEquivalentTo(sentEchoMessage, because: "the event body should be the same one posted to the message queue");

        private static T ExtractTypeFromEventBody<T>(PartitionEvent evnt, ITestOutputHelper _output)
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(evnt.Data.EventBody.ToArray()));
            catch (JsonException)
                _output.WriteLine("[" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(evnt.Data.EventBody.ToArray()) + "] is probably not JSON");
                return default(T);

Let's talk through what happens in the test above:

  1. We read in Event Hub connection configuration for the test from environment variables. (These will be supplied by an Azure Pipeline that we will create shortly.)
  2. We post a message to the Event Hub.
  3. We read a message back from the Event Hub.
  4. We confirm that the message we read back matches the one we posted.

Now that we have our test, we want to be able to execute it. For that we need an Azure Pipeline!

Azure Pipeline

We're going to add an azure-pipelines.yml file which Azure DevOps can use to power a pipeline:

  - name: eventHubNamespaceName
    value: evhns-demo 
  - name: eventHubName
    value: evh-demo 

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: Get Service Principal Id
    azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
    scriptType: bash
    scriptLocation: inlineScript
    addSpnToEnvironment: true
    inlineScript: |
      PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az ad sp show --id $servicePrincipalId --query objectId -o tsv)
      echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PIPELINE_PRINCIPAL_ID;]$PRINCIPAL_ID"

- bash: az bicep build --file infra/main.bicep
  displayName: "Compile Bicep to ARM"

- task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
  name: DeployEventHubInfra
  displayName: Deploy Event Hub infra
    deploymentScope: Resource Group
    azureResourceManagerConnection: $(serviceConnection)
    subscriptionId: $(subscriptionId)
    action: Create Or Update Resource Group
    resourceGroupName: $(azureResourceGroup)
    location: $(location)
    templateLocation: Linked artifact
    csmFile: 'infra/main.json' # created by bash script
    overrideParameters: >-
      -eventHubNamespaceName $(eventHubNamespaceName)
      -eventHubName $(eventHubName)
      -principalId $(PIPELINE_PRINCIPAL_ID)
    deploymentMode: Incremental

- task: UseDotNet@2
  displayName: 'Install .NET SDK 5.0.x'
    packageType: 'sdk'
    version: 5.0.x  

- task: AzureCLI@2
  displayName: dotnet integration test
    azureSubscription: $(serviceConnection)
    scriptType: pscore
    scriptLocation: inlineScript
    addSpnToEnvironment: true # allows access to service principal details in script
    inlineScript: |
      cd $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/IntegrationTests
      dotnet test

When the pipeline is run, it does the following:

  1. Gets the service principal id from the service connection.
  2. Compiles our Bicep into an ARM template
  3. Deploys the compiled ARM template to Azure
  4. Installs the dotnet SDK
  5. Uses the Azure CLI task which allows us to access service principal details in the pipeline to run our dotnet test.

We'll create a pipeline in Azure DevOps pointing to this file, and we'll also create the variables that it depends upon:

  • azureResourceGroup - the name of your resource group in Azure where the app will be deployed
  • location - where your app is deployed, eg northeurope
  • serviceConnection - the name of your AzureRM service connection in Azure DevOps
  • subscriptionId - your Azure subscription id from the Azure Portal
  • tenantId - the Azure tenant id from the Azure Portal

Running the pipeline

Now we're ready to run our pipeline:

screenshot of pipeline running successfully

Here we can see that the pipeline runs and the test passes. That means we've successfully provisioned the Event Hub and permissioned our pipeline to be able to access it using Azure RBAC role assignments. We then wrote a test which used the pipeline credentials to interact with the Event Hub. To see the repo that demostrates this, look here.

Just to reiterate: we've demonstrated this approach using Event Hubs. This is a generally useful approach which can be applied to any Azure resources that support Azure RBAC Role Assignments.

Thanks to Jamie McCrindle for helping out with permissioning the service connection / service principal. His post on rotating AZURE_CREDENTIALS in GitHub with Terraform provides useful background for those who would like to do similar permissioning using Terraform.