Saturday, 13 September 2014

Journalling the Migration of Jasmine Tests to TypeScript

I previously attempted to migrate my Jasmine tests from JavaScript to TypeScript. The last time I tried it didn't go so well and I bailed. Thank the Lord for source control. But feeling I shouldn't be deterred I decided to have another crack at it.

I did manage it this time... Sort of. Unfortunately there was a problem which I discovered right at the end. An issue with the TypeScript / Visual Studio tooling. So, just to be clear, this is not a blog post of "do this and it will work perfectly". On this occasion there will be some rough edges. This post exists, as much as anything else, as a record of the problems I experienced - I hope it will prove useful. Here we go:

What to Migrate?

I'm going to use one of the test files in my my side project Proverb. It's the tests for an AngularJS controller called sageDetail - I've written about it before. Here it is in all it's JavaScript-y glory:

describe("Proverb.Web -> app-> controllers ->", function () {

    beforeEach(function () {


    describe("sageDetail ->", function () {

        var $rootScope,
            getById_deferred, // deferred used for promises
            $location, $routeParams_stub, common, datacontext, // controller dependencies
            sageDetailController; // the controller

        beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$q_, _$location_, _common_, _datacontext_) {

            $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
            $q = _$q_;

            $location = _$location_;
            common = _common_;
            datacontext = _datacontext_;

            $routeParams_stub = { id: "10" };
            getById_deferred = $q.defer();

            spyOn(datacontext.sage, "getById").and.returnValue(getById_deferred.promise);
            spyOn(common, "activateController").and.callThrough();
            spyOn(common.logger, "getLogFn").and.returnValue(jasmine.createSpy("log"));
            spyOn($location, "path").and.returnValue(jasmine.createSpy("path"));

            sageDetailController = _$controller_("sageDetail", {
                $location: $location,
                $routeParams: $routeParams_stub,
                common: common,
                datacontext: datacontext


        describe("on creation ->", function () {

            it("controller should have a title of 'Sage Details'", function () {

                expect(sageDetailController.title).toBe("Sage Details");

            it("controller should have no sage", function () {


            it("datacontext.sage.getById should be called", function () {

                expect(datacontext.sage.getById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(10, true);

        describe("activateController ->", function () {

            var sage_stub;
            beforeEach(function () {
                sage_stub = { name: "John" };

            it("should set sages to be the resolved promise values", function () {

                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise


            it("should log 'Activated Sage Details View' and set title with name", function () {

                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise

                expect(sageDetailController.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Activated Sage Details View");
                expect(sageDetailController.title).toBe("Sage Details: " +;

        describe("gotoEdit ->", function () {

            var sage_stub;
            beforeEach(function () {
                sage_stub = { id: 20 };

            it("should set $location.path to edit URL", function () {

                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise


                expect($location.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/sages/edit/" +;

Off we go

Righteo. Let's flip the switch. sageDetail.js you shall go to the ball! One wave of my magic wand and sageDetail.js becomes sageDetail.ts... Alakazam!! Of course we've got to do the fiddling with the csproj file to include the dependent JavaScript files. (I'll be very pleased when ASP.Net vNext ships and I don't have to do this anymore....) So find this:

<TypeScriptCompile Include="app\sages\sageDetail.ts" />

And add this:

<Content Include="app\sages\sageDetail.js">
<Content Include="app\sages\">

What next? I've a million red squigglies in my code. It's "could not find symbol" city. Why? Typings! We need typings! So let's begin - I'm needing the Jasmine typings for starters. So let's hit NuGet and it looks like we need this:

Install-Package jasmine.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped

That did no good at all. Still red squigglies. I'm going to hazard a guess that this is something to do with the fact my JavaScript Unit Test project doesn't contain the various TypeScript artefacts that Visual Studio kindly puts into the web csproj for you. This is because I'm keeping my JavaScript tests in a separate project from the code being tested. Also, the Visual Studio TypeScript tooling seems to work on the assumption that TypeScript will only be used within a web project; not a test project. Well I won't let that hold me back... Time to port the TypeScript artefacts in the web csproj over by hand. I'll take this:

<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props')" />

And I'll also take this

<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets')" />

Bingo bango - a difference. I no longer have red squigglies under the Jasmine statements (describe, it etc). But alas, I do everywhere else. One in particular draws my eye...

Could not find symbol '$q'

Once again TypeScript picks up the hidden bugs in my JavaScript:

    $q = _$q_;

That's right it's an implicit global. Quickly fixed:

    var $q = _$q_;

Typings? Where we're going, we need typings...

We need more types. We're going to need the types created by our application; our controllers / services / directives etc. As well that we need the types used in the creation of the app. So the Angular typings etc. Since we're going to need to use reference statements to pull in the types created by our application I might as well use them to pull in the required definition files as well (eg angular.d.ts):

/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular-mocks.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/sages/sagedetail.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/common/common.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/datacontext.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/repository.sage.ts" />

Now we need to work our way through the "variable 'x' implicitly has an 'any' type" messages. One thing we need to do is to amend our original sageDetails.ts file so that the sageDetailRouteParams interface and SageDetail class are exported from the controllers module. We can't use the types otherwise. Now we can add typings to our file - once finished it looks like this:

/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular-mocks.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/sages/sagedetail.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/common/common.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/datacontext.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/repository.sage.ts" />
describe("Proverb.Web -> app-> controllers ->", function () {

    beforeEach(function () {


    describe("sageDetail ->", function () {

        var $rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService,
            // deferred used for promises 
            getById_deferred: ng.IDeferred<sage>, 
            // controller dependencies
            $location: ng.ILocationService,
            $routeParams_stub: controllers.sageDetailRouteParams,
            common: common,
            datacontext: datacontext,
            sageDetailController: controllers.SageDetail; // the controller

        beforeEach(inject(function (
            _$controller_: any,
            _$rootScope_: ng.IRootScopeService,
            _$q_: ng.IQService,
            _$location_: ng.ILocationService,
            _common_: common,
            _datacontext_: datacontext) {

            $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
            var $q = _$q_;

            $location = _$location_;
            common = _common_;
            datacontext = _datacontext_;

            $routeParams_stub = { id: "10" };
            getById_deferred = $q.defer();

            spyOn(datacontext.sage, "getById").and.returnValue(getById_deferred.promise);
            spyOn(common, "activateController").and.callThrough();
            spyOn(common.logger, "getLogFn").and.returnValue(jasmine.createSpy("log"));
            spyOn($location, "path").and.returnValue(jasmine.createSpy("path"));

            sageDetailController = _$controller_("sageDetail", {
                $location: $location,
                $routeParams: $routeParams_stub,
                common: common,
                datacontext: datacontext


        describe("on creation ->", function () {

            it("controller should have a title of 'Sage Details'", function () {

                expect(sageDetailController.title).toBe("Sage Details");

            it("controller should have no sage", function () {


            it("datacontext.sage.getById should be called", function () {

                expect(datacontext.sage.getById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(10, true);

        describe("activateController ->", function () {

            var sage_stub: sage;
            beforeEach(function () {
                sage_stub = { name: "John", id: 10, username: "John", email: "john@", dateOfBirth: new Date() };

            it("should set sages to be the resolved promise values", function () {

                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise


            it("should log 'Activated Sage Details View' and set title with name", function () {

                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise

                expect(sageDetailController.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Activated Sage Details View");
                expect(sageDetailController.title).toBe("Sage Details: " +;

        describe("gotoEdit ->", function () {

            var sage_stub: sage;
            beforeEach(function () {
                sage_stub = { name: "John", id: 20, username: "John", email: "john@", dateOfBirth: new Date() };

            it("should set $location.path to edit URL", function () {

                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise


                expect($location.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/sages/edit/" +;

So That's All Good...

Except it's not. When I run the tests using Chutzpah my sageDetail controller tests aren't found. My spider sense is tingling. This is something to do with the reference statements. They're throwing Chutzpah off. No bother, I can fix that with a quick tweak of the project file:

  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">

The TypeScript compiler will now strip comments; which includes the reference statements. Now my tests are detected *and* they run. Yay!

Who Killed the TypeScript Language Service?

Yup it's dead. Whilst the compilation itself has no issues, take a look at the errors being presented for just one of the files back in the original web project:

It looks like having one TypeScript project in a solution which uses reference comments somehow breaks the implicit referencing behaviour built into Visual Studio for other TypeScript projects in the solution. I can say this with some confidence as if I pull out the reference comments from the top of the test file that we've converted then it's business as usual - the TypeScript Language Service lives once more. I'm sure you can see the problem here though: the TypeScript test file doesn't compile. All rather unsatisfactory.

I suspect that if I added reference comments throughout the web project the TypeScript Language Service would be just fine. But I rather like the implicit referencing functionality so I'm not inclined to do that. After reaching something of a brick wall and thinking I had encountered a bug in the TypeScript Language service I raised an issue on GitHub.


Thanks to the help of Mohamed Hegazy it emerged that the problem was down to missing reference comments in my sageDetail controller tests. One thing I had not considered was the 2 different ways each of my TypeScript projects were working:

  • Proverb.Web uses the Visual Studio implicit referencing functionality. This means that I do not need to use reference comments in the TypeScript files in Proverb.Web.
  • Proverb.Web.JavaScript does *not* uses the implicit referencing functionality. It needs reference comments to resolve references.

The important thing to take away from this (and the thing I had overlooked) was that Proverb.Web.JavaScript uses reference comments to pull in Proverb.Web TypeScript files. Those files have dependencies which are *not* stated using reference comments. So the compiler trips up when it tries to walk the dependency tree - there are no reference comments to be followed! So for example, common.ts has a dependency upon logger.ts. Fixing the TypeScript Language Service involves ensuring that the full dependency list is included in the sageDetail controller tests file, like so:

/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular-mocks.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/angularjs/angular-route.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/toastr/toastr.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/scripts/typings/underscore/underscore.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/sages/sagedetail.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/common/logger.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/common/common.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/datacontext.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/repositories.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/repository.sage.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/services/repository.saying.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/app.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../proverb.web/app/config.route.ts" />

With this in place you have a working solution, albeit one that is a little flaky. An alternative solution was suggested by Noel Abrahams which I quote here:

Why not do the following?

  • Compile Proverb.Web with --declarations and the option for combining output into a single file. This should create a Proverb.Web.d.ts in your output directory.
  • In Proverb.Web.Tests.JavaScript add a reference to this file.
  • Right-click Proverb.Web.Tests.JavaScript select "Build Dependencies" > "Project Dependencies" and add a reference to Proverb.Web.

I don't think directly referencing TypeScript source files is a good idea, because it causes the file to be rebuilt every time the dependant project is compiled.

Mohamed rather liked this solution. It looks like some more work is due to be done on the TypeScript tooling to make this less headache-y in future.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Unit Testing an Angular Controller with Jasmine

Anyone who reads my blog will know that I have been long in the habit of writing unit tests for my C# code. I'm cool like that. However, it took me a while to get up and running writing unit tests for my JavaScript code. I finally got there using a combination of Jasmine 2.0 and Chutzpah. (Jasmine being my test framework and Chutzpah being my test runner.)

I'm getting properly into the habit of testing my JavaScript. I won't pretend it's been particularly fun but I firmly believe it will end up being useful... That's what I tell myself during the long dark tea-times of the soul anyway.

I have a side project called Proverb. It doesn't do anything in particular - for the most part it's a simple application that displays the collected wise sayings of a team that I used to be part of. There's not much to it - a bit of CRUD, a dashboard. Not much more. Because of the project's simplicity it's ideal to use Proverb's underlying idea when trying out new technologies / frameworks. The best way to learn is to do. So if I want to learn "X", then building Proverb using "X" is a good way to go.

I digress already. I had a version of Proverb built using a combination of AngularJS and TypeScript. I had written the Angular side of Proverb without any tests. Now I was able to write JavaScript tests for my Angular code that's just what I set out to do. It should prove something of a of Code Kata too.

Whilst I'm at it I thought it might prove helpful if I wrote up how I approached writing unit tests for a single Angular controller. So here goes.

What I'm Testing

I have an Angular controller called sagesDetail. It powers this screen:

sagesDetail is a very simple controller. It does these things:

  1. Load the "sage" (think of it as just a "user") and make it available on the controller so it can be bound to the view.
  2. Set the view title.
  3. Log view activation.
  4. Expose a gotoEdit method which, when called, redirects the user to the edit screen.

The controller is written in TypeScript and looks like this:


module controllers {

    "use strict";

    var controllerId = "sageDetail";

    interface sageDetailRouteParams extends ng.route.IRouteParamsService {
        id: string;

    class SageDetail {

        log: loggerFunction;
        sage: sage;
        title: string;

        static $inject = ["$location", "$routeParams", "common", "datacontext"];
            private $location: ng.ILocationService,
            private $routeParams: sageDetailRouteParams,
            private common: common,
            private datacontext: datacontext
            ) {

            this.sage = undefined;
            this.title = "Sage Details";

            this.log = common.logger.getLogFn(controllerId);


        // Prototype methods

        activate() {
            var id = parseInt(this.$, 10);
            var dataPromises: ng.IPromise<any>[] = [this.datacontext.sage.getById(id, true).then(data => this.sage = data)];

            this.common.activateController(dataPromises, controllerId, this.title)
                .then(() => {
                    this.log("Activated Sage Details View");
                    this.title = "Sage Details: " +;

        gotoEdit() {
            this.$location.path("/sages/edit/" +;

    angular.module("app").controller(controllerId, SageDetail);

When compiled to JavaScript it looks like this:


var controllers;
(function (controllers) {
    "use strict";

    var controllerId = "sageDetail";

    var SageDetail = (function () {
        function SageDetail($location, $routeParams, common, datacontext) {
            this.$location = $location;
            this.$routeParams = $routeParams;
            this.common = common;
            this.datacontext = datacontext;
            this.sage = undefined;
            this.title = "Sage Details";

            this.log = common.logger.getLogFn(controllerId);

        // Prototype methods
        SageDetail.prototype.activate = function () {
            var _this = this;
            var id = parseInt(this.$, 10);
            var dataPromises = [this.datacontext.sage.getById(id, true).then(function (data) {
                    return _this.sage = data;

            this.common.activateController(dataPromises, controllerId, this.title).then(function () {
                _this.log("Activated Sage Details View");
                _this.title = "Sage Details: " +;

        SageDetail.prototype.gotoEdit = function () {
            this.$location.path("/sages/edit/" +;
        SageDetail.$inject = ["$location", "$routeParams", "common", "datacontext"];
        return SageDetail;

    angular.module("app").controller(controllerId, SageDetail);
})(controllers || (controllers = {}));

Now for the Tests

I haven't yet made the move of switching over my Jasmine tests from JavaScript to TypeScript. (It's on my list but there's only so many things you can do at once...) For that reason the tests you'll see here are straight JavaScript. Below you will see the tests for the sageDetail controller.

I have put very comments in the test code to make clear the intent to you, dear reader. Annotated the life out of them. Naturally I wouldn't expect a test to be so heavily annotated in a typical test suite - and you can be sure mine normally aren't!

Jasmine tests for sageDetail.js

describe("Proverb.Web -> app-> controllers ->", function () {

    // Before each test runs we're going to need ourselves an Angular App to test - go fetch!
    beforeEach(function () {

        module("app");  // module is an alias for angular.mock.module

    // Tests for the sageDetail controller
    describe("sageDetail ->", function () {

        // Declare describe-scoped variables 
        var $rootScope, 
            getById_deferred, // deferred used for promises
            $location, $routeParams_stub, common, datacontext, // controller dependencies
            sageDetailController; // the controller

        // Before each test runs set up the controller using inject - an alias for angular.mock.inject
        beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$q_, _$location_, _common_, _datacontext_) {

            // Note how each parameter is prefixed and suffixed with "_" - this an Angular nicety
            // which allows you to have variables in your tests with the original reference name.
            // So here we assign the injected parameters to the describe-scoped variables:
            $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
            $q = _$q_;
            $location = _$location_;
            common = _common_;
            datacontext = _datacontext_;

            // Our controller has a dependency on an "id" property passed on the $routeParams
            // We're going to stub this out with a JavaScript object literal
            $routeParams_stub = { id: "10" };

            // Our controller depends on a promise returned from this function: datacontext.sage.getById
            // Well strictly speaking it also uses a promise for activateController but since the activateController
            // promise just wraps the getById promise it will be resolved when the getById promise is.
            // Here we create a deferred representing the getById promise which we can resolve as we need to 
            getById_deferred = $q.defer();

            // set up a spy on datacontext.sage.getById and set it to return the promise of getById_deferred
            // this allows us to #1 detect that getById has been called 
            // and #2 resolve / reject our promise as our test requires using getById_deferred
            spyOn(datacontext.sage, "getById").and.returnValue(getById_deferred.promise);

            // set up a spy on common.activateController and set it to call through
            // this allows us to detect that activateController has been called whilst 
            // maintaining existing controller functionality
            spyOn(common, "activateController").and.callThrough();

            // set up spys on common.logger.getLogFn and $location.path so we can detect they have been called
            spyOn(common.logger, "getLogFn").and.returnValue(jasmine.createSpy("log"));
            spyOn($location, "path").and.returnValue(jasmine.createSpy("path"));

            // create a sageDetail controller and inject the dependencies we have set up
            sageDetailController = _$controller_("sageDetail", {
                $location: $location,
                $routeParams: $routeParams_stub,
                common: common,
                datacontext: datacontext

        // Tests for the controller state at the point of the sageDetail controller's creation
        // ie before the getById / activateController promises have been resolved 
        // So this tests the constructor (function) and the activate function up to the point
        // of the promise calls
        describe("on creation ->", function () {

            it("controller should have a title of 'Sage Details'", function () {

                // tests this code has executed:
                // this.title = "Sage Details";
                expect(sageDetailController.title).toBe("Sage Details");

            it("controller should have no sage", function () {

                // tests this code has executed:
                // this.sage = undefined;

            it("datacontext.sage.getById should be called", function () {

                // tests this code has executed:
                // this.datacontext.sage.getById(id, true)
                expect(datacontext.sage.getById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(10, true);

        // Tests for the controller state at the point of the resolution of the getById promise
        // ie after the getById / activateController promises have been resolved 
        // So this tests the constructor (function) and the activate function after the point
        // of the promise calls
        describe("activateController ->", function () {

            var sage_stub;
            beforeEach(function () {
                // Create a sage stub which will be used when resolving the getById promise
                sage_stub = { name: "John" };

            it("should set sages to be the resolved promise values", function () {

                // Resolve the getById promise with the sage stub
                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise

                // tests this code has executed:
                // this.sage = data

            it("should log 'Activated Sage Details View' and set title with name", function () {

                // Resolve the getById promise with the sage stub
                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise

                // tests this code has executed:
                // this.log("Activated Sage Details View");
                // this.title = "Sage Details: " +;
                expect(sageDetailController.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Activated Sage Details View");
                expect(sageDetailController.title).toBe("Sage Details: " +;

        // Tests for the gotoEdit function on the controller
        // Note that this will only be called *after* a controller has been created
        // and it depends upon a sage having first been loaded
        describe("gotoEdit ->", function () {

            var sage_stub;
            beforeEach(function () {
                // Create a sage stub which will be used when resolving the getById promise
                sage_stub = { id: 20 };

            it("should set $location.path to edit URL", function () {

                // Resolve the getById promise with the sage stub
                $rootScope.$digest(); // So Angular processes the resolved promise


                // tests this code has executed:
                // this.$location.path("/sages/edit/" +;
                expect($location.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/sages/edit/" +;

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Running JavaScript Unit Tests in AppVeyor

With a little help from Chutzpah...

AppVeyor (if you're not aware of it) is a Continuous Integration provider. If you like, it's plug-and-play CI for .NET developers. It's lovely. And what's more it's "free for open-source projects with public repositories hosted on GitHub and BitBucket". Boom! I recently hooked up 2 of my GitHub projects with AppVeyor. It took me all of... 10 minutes. If that? It really is *that* good.

But.... There had to be a "but" otherwise I wouldn't have been writing the post you're reading. For a little side project of mine called Proverb there were C# unit tests and there were JavaScript unit tests. And the JavaScript unit tests weren't being run... No fair!!!

Chutzpah is a JavaScript test runner which at this point runs QUnit, Jasmine and Mocha JavaScript tests. I use the Visual Studio extension to run Jasmine tests on my machine during development. I've also been able to use Chutzpah for CI purposes with Visual Studio Online / Team Foundation Server. So what say we try and do the triple and make it work with AppVeyor too?

NuGet me?

In order that I could run Chutzpah I needed Chutzpah to be installed on the build machine. So I had 2 choices:

  1. Add Chutzpah direct to the repo
  2. Add the Chutzpah Nuget package to the solution

Unsurprisingly I chose #2 - much cleaner.

Now to use Chutzpah

Time to dust down the PowerShell. I created myself a "before tests script" and added it to my build. It looked a little something like this:

# Locate Chutzpah

$ChutzpahDir = get-childitem chutzpah.console.exe -recurse | select-object -first 1 | select -expand Directory

# Run tests using Chutzpah and export results as JUnit format to chutzpah-results.xml

$ChutzpahCmd = "$($ChutzpahDir)\chutzpah.console.exe $($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\AngularTypeScript\Proverb.Web.Tests.JavaScript /junit .\chutzpah-results.xml"
Write-Host $ChutzpahCmd
Invoke-Expression $ChutzpahCmd

# Upload results to AppVeyor one by one

$testsuites = [xml](get-content .\chutzpah-results.xml)

$anyFailures = $FALSE
foreach ($testsuite in $testsuites.testsuites.testsuite) {
    write-host " $($"
    foreach ($testcase in $testsuite.testcase){
        $failed = $testcase.failure
        $time = $testsuite.time
        if ($testcase.time) { $time = $testcase.time }
        if ($failed) {
            write-host "Failed   $($ $($testcase.failure.message)"
            Add-AppveyorTest $ -Outcome Failed -FileName $ -ErrorMessage $testcase.failure.message -Duration $time
            $anyFailures = $TRUE
        else {
            write-host "Passed   $($"
            Add-AppveyorTest $ -Outcome Passed -FileName $ -Duration $time


if ($anyFailures -eq $TRUE){
    write-host "Failing build as there are broken tests"

What this does is:

  1. Run Chutzpah from the installed NuGet package location, passing in the location of my Jasmine unit tests. In the case of my project there is a chutzpah.json file in the project which dictates how Chutzpah should run the tests. Also, the JUnit flag is also passed in order that Chutzpah creates a chutzpah-results.xml file of test results in the JUnit format.
  2. We iterate through test results and tell AppVeyor about the the test passes and failures using the Build Worker API.
  3. If there have been any failed tests then we fail the build. If you look here you can see a deliberately failed build which demo's that this works as it should.

That's a wrap - We now have CI which includes our JavaScript tests! That's right we get to see beautiful screens like these:

Thanks to...

Thanks to Dan Jones, whose comments on this discussion provided a number of useful pointers which moved me in the right direction. And thanks to Feador Fitzner who has generously said AppVeyor will support JUnit in the future which may simplify use of Chutzpah with AppVeyor even further.